Wednesday, January 23, 2013

“So what? All writers are lunatics!”

Every now and again I come across something that tickles my literary funny bone. Sometimes it's a simple passage in a book and upon occasion it's something that someone says that is worthy to quote. I ran across the title quote some time ago that I thought summed up my writing life rather well.It was written by Cornelia Funke in her book Inkspell. The quote is, at least for myself, rather fitting.

My writing life is rather chaotic. I try to write with some regularity but it doesn't always work out that way. Between my three blogs, several half completed writing projects, and life in general my writing does suffer some. In my opinion all writers are lunatics. The better the writer the more the lunatic. How else can you explain whole worlds, lives, and pages and pages of witty, plot driving dialogue? Writers with multiple worlds? They're the craziest of us all. Sure, all those ideas are now kept tidily in notebooks, word documents, and sometimes on the back of napkins stained with coffee rings but all of those ideas have to start somewhere. You can't be all grounded to come up with some of the more popular books on the sci-fi/fantasy bookshelf at your local book store. 

I suppose that's why I like the quote so much. It gives me a bit of an excuse for the crazy bit in me!