Monday, December 17, 2012

Post - NaNo Life

The month of November saw absolutely nothing of me as far as my blogs are concerned. I'm sorry for it though I did manage to get my 50k pounded out for NaNo for which I am grateful. Nano was hectic as usual and this year a bit disappointing.

As some of you may have read in the previous posts this was my first year as a "Municipal Liasion" for  NaNoWriMo. I was pumped up and ready to go! I got my stuff late though and had a hard time getting to the libraries around my region due to their limited hours. It seemed like every time I wanted to go talk to someone or put up a flyer, they were closed. I found out quickly that many of them close early around here. I planned a kick off party for Nov. 1st as well as a meet and greet before November began. I had a whopping five people including myself at the kick off party and that was the last I saw of anyone in my region. I had write in's planned once a week and an online write in for those that couldn't make it, also once a week. I became discouraged quickly. On top of all of this I had to find a winter job as my main job is only seasonal and stopped putting me on the regular schedule at the beginning of November. It's been so crazy and now it's nearly Christmas.

I'm going to be rejoining my writing group in the metrowest area. It's a ways away but I miss the camaraderie and general happiness of being in a good writer's group.