Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Vampire Fad

I've been re-reading the Laurel K. Hamilton series and I've also been noticing how many vampire books have come out recently. Well, at least in the last decade or so. It's not the first time I've noticed it but everyone has to admit that there has been a surge in the world's fascination with vampires. And it's not just the fanged ones either. Lycanthropes, demons, witches and warlocks are all becoming popular reading and a lot of it in romance. I've tried reasoning out our fascination with the dark and mysterious otherworldly creatures and not to sound cliché but the one thing I keep coming back to is the fact that it's taboo.

There's certain kind of danger involved with being involved with one of the otherworldly types. I think that each person likes a little danger; subconsciously at least. Romances with werewolves and demons...I suppose it's like playing with fire without ever having to strike a match. We're still human after all. If a real vampire (à la Anne Rice) were to present itself we as a population would probably piss our pants. Much less a were-anything. I'm starting to understand the attraction of vamps though. They bite and suck blood.

First of all: biting? Kids (and some adults) get hickies often, nothing too surprising there. It turns some people on. Okay. The preferred place to bite? The neck. If you were an animal offering your neck is a mark of subservience. The neck is a very vulnerable part of the body. So that takes care of that but what about blood. *EW* Right? Blood is something highly personal and only comes in limited supply...until you make more. That's the real thrill, the real danger.

Then of course there's the beauty. Almost all the vampire writings have great looking vamps or weres or whatever the flavor of the month happens to be. I haven't read about an ugly vamp. Have you?

Anyways. I'm kind of glad that I have a handle on the what and the why. In the end I think that this will help me if I ever chose to write something like that. I like having new perspective.