Saturday, October 29, 2011

Revision or Did I Really Write That?

Revision is important. You learn it in grade school and it gets drilled into you throughout high school and college. It's purpose is to catch your mistakes, make the necessary grammar and punctuation corrections etc.

That's the bare bones of revision. To each person it's a different kind of step. Some people love it, some hate it. Feelings don't really matter in this case, it has to be done one way or the other. Personally it's not my favorite but I know it's necessary. Not to mention that my writing style is more of the write it all down and revise later approach. Not to mention that when I get an idea it tends to come fast and furious into my head so I don't think too much about what I'm typing. This leads to all kinds of silly continuity issues. That said, there's only so much that a writer can catch on their own work. It comes to a point when you need other eyes to look at your work. Even after revising twice my writing group that critiqued my piece found a basket that appeared out of nowhere and a character that materialized out of thin air...oops! Revision isn't easy but I see it as a necessary evil and if you have a good group of writers like a writing group that support you I think that helps a lot!