Saturday, November 5, 2011

2011 NaNoWriMo Season!

It's here! The one month out of the year when other people, writers, get as obsessive as I do over daily word counts, fictitious people, screwy plot twists and plot bunnies. My husband says that I turn certifiable this time of year. I reply, "How is that different from any other time?"

So because it's November and I'm posting this now, between writing sessions, it definately counts as procrastination in my book! Now I probably should be procrastinating in some other way since my wrists are starting to get that familiar November ache but I had put off post here long enough. This year's NaNo has started with some difficulty for me. We lost power here due to a early and very wet snow storm. Having been relocated to my mother's house where there is power but much less child proofing has been a blessing and a curse. At home my son and I can play in the living room together. Rather, he plays and I write until he deigns to play with me. It works well because we have two gate that keep him from getting into trouble in the kitchen or bathroom. My mother doesn't have those protections and she has the added temptation of stairs. Today, for instance, I've been writing in fits and starts. Now I'm not the fastest typist in the world and I have issues turning off my inner editor to begin with so my steady writing pace is nothing spectacular. I do tend to do better when in a word war because then I feel like something is at risk. I do even better when coffee or chocolate are on the line! Though what I tell everyone who asks me how I do it I simply tell them that it's one word at a time and the best thing is just to start. So I'm goal is for the first week (possibly two) to write  two thousand words a day. It's a little more than the required 1,667 words a day but enough so that I can build a buffer over a number of days for the inevitable Thanksgiving day 0-word count that will happen.

Well I'd better get back to writing! Good luck fellow writers! See you in December!