Friday, August 19, 2011

Rather Unsuccessful

I attempted to take part in Camp NaNoWriMo this month and I have failed epically. Between shopping for appliances, flooring, etc for the new house, trying to plan and pack for a vacation and pack up the condo I just haven't had two seconds to sit and type. My son has also begun teething again and he's transitioning to one nap a day. The end result? No time for mommy to write. I'm hoping that this won't be a mark against me as I would like to apply to be an ML for November NaNoWriMo. I'm disappointed in myself and wonder if I'll be able to do it in November. We'll see.

I'm still working on my Napoleon story but I'm also bending my writing skill to my blog posts for my website. I've taken the advice of a friend of mine who has had an internet presences for a while. He said to me "start with a blog even if you don't have product up yet." I took his advice and received a few positive comments. I'm abnormally pleased but I I have had more spam and some comments I'm not sure if they are spam or actual feedback which is sad. But! People are reading it and it's getting noticed and that's the whole point of the endeavor. Well I have to get back to packing...