Friday, October 22, 2010

Yay! New Content and A Working Title!

So! I have decided that the page needed some sprucing up! As you can see I've changed the layout and design. I liked this one since my desk often looks this way and by that I mean the crumpled pieces of paper and the ever-present cup of tea in my case. I don't have fancy whirly-gigs engraved in my desk though. Too bad, I like them!

I have also added some new content! If you look to the right you'll see a couple of new links that show you where else I hang out on the web and some pretty nifty tools that I use for writing. For the latter list, if you have anything cool to recommend pass it on to me via my contact info and I'll be happy to look through it and possibly add it to my list of favorites!

I have also decided on a working title for my 2010 NaNoWriMo novel! YAY!!!!! It only took me forever! The title is (drum roll please!) : Blame the Dog