Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Common Cold

As the title of today's entry indicates, I am sick as a dog. I am currently nursing a sore, scratchy throat and stuffed sinuses. I have not ben doing much writing as a result in the past few days. Also I've been diverting attention from my current story to prepare myself for NaNoWriMo. 

NaNoWriMo starts on the 1st of November at Midnight and I'm trying to figure out what kind of book I want to write. The biggest thing it that I'm stuck on the genre. It's definately a fiction piece but should I do fiction, a dark urban fantasy.... I'm so indecisive it sucks. Well I have to run, a short entry but I had to write between seezes and tea-making.

What do you think I should write?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Dance! (Part II)

I really love it when cool things happen. So I was on my account at DeviantArt and was looking through the forum posts for fun. I happened to see this one post for an artist that was looking to take on  5 free requests with the stipulation that it would not be first come, first served but rather whatever intrests her the most. I sent her a quick run down of one of my characters and she has agreed to take it on as one of her 5 requests! YAY! (Here's a sample of her work: So I'm wicked I have 3 characters being drawn now...I only have5 I keep adding one or two each time I have one that gets, oh well. Hopefully I'll have all of them drawn eventually! 

In the mean time I'm still working on the character and plot outline and knocking it out of the park. I'm really excited because I keep comming up with great questions and kick @$$ answers. (I'm using this as a base if you're interested: Anyhow I'm getting back to work!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Dance!

WOO! I'm so excited! An awesome artist has agreed to do a sketch for two of my characters! This make me really happy since one I read wha tI worte I ended up finding an unusual amount of inconsistencies. She is a fantastic artist and you can check out her worker here: I have to wait a few days but I will get to see them soon!! I've put my writing on hold for this right now and also because I set up my tablet and I have been coloring like a fiend.

It's really kind of strange but it seems that I've gotten better notworking on my skill with my tablet than when I was...I don't really care how I did it all that matters is that I'm kickin' ass right now! WOO! 

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Step Towards Literary Enligthenment

Muse [myooz] –noun
1. Any of a number of sister goddesses presiding over a particular art that inspires a poet, artist, thinker, or the like.

Right? WRONG!
*does a little happy dance around the living room, nearly steps on Elvis and sends Gwen running for the office*

So now that I've almost kill both of my cats...allow me to share my magnificient revelation: a muse doesn't have to be a person!! HA! This is something that hit me like a ton of brick this moring whe I was still in the process of waking up. We (people in general) tend to think of muses as being a person. Wether or not this is due to the fact that we know that they resembeled humans in Greek mythology or what but I, for one, am happy to rid myself of that perception!
My great revelation, as I said before, came to me this morning from way out in left field. One moment I was asleep the next WHAM, I was awake and thought "Isn't it funny how so many people are inspired by depravity and situations in general as opposed to actual people." Like I said, totally left field. The more I thought about that today the more I started to say, "Well duh!" I write from visual cues so couldn't a statue, painting, garden or stuffed animal be a muse. I'm sure it's not new news to tons of people but it is to me so *pbbt* to the rest of you. 

Aside from that, I didn't get any farther today in my writing of an actual scene. I decided that I wanted to do some character work and wrote about six pages per charcter. In it's way it was very useful as I got lots of ideas for future scenes and conflicts but as for getting more scene writing done today it was no help whatsoever. Hopefully I can make it up tomorrow...

Saturday, October 11, 2008 a 100 year old tree that's been cut down for paper.

Being a visual writer definatley has it's perks. Anything and everything you see can be turned into a story. A painting, a photograph, the random guy you see in Harvard Square that stops every five or six paces and looks around bug-eyed like a cartoon character while leaning on his wooden cane that everyone is fairly certain he doesn't need. Other times it can just be a pain in the arse. Right now I'm working on this story, for lack of a better title I call it Nighttime Reading (or NTR), and while I have the major and minor plot points down, I can't seem to pin down my characters. I know who they are and a general feeling for what they look like and what they do but as for specifics I can't seem to pin it down. 

This is unusual for me. Usually I get an idea for a character (the look, the personality, quirtks, you name it) at the same time I get my ideas for a story. I guess you could say I was blindsided by this one. The story plot, settings, and even the end came fairly easily (which is not usually the case) and I was left instead to wander the halls of my imagination for the characters. Very least for me. 

My Solution: I'm reaching out to artists (friends and strangers) on a local sharing site asking for someone to draw me a couple of visuals. On that note...can you help me?

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