Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Stroke of Genius!

So NaNoWriMo started yesterday and to date I'm at 1,400-something words...which means that to stay on track (1,667 words per day) I have quite a bit to write tonight. That being said this entry is going to be short....maybe.

So remember when I said that someone said that they would draw one of my characters for me? Well I have an update! It's now an actual work in progress and you can see part of the work here:
The reason it has not ben completed is also very cool. The artist is using my character as part of her digital imaging class final. With the description I gave her she said it would be perfect. The drawing in the end will include food, landscape, and a reflection. I'm so excited!

Also very exciting is that I am on a roll where my story is concerned for NaNoWriMo! Nick is not participating like he said he would. I called him lazy. I also have a title for it that I think kicks a lot of butt. "The Vardo Road"is the working title and hopefully I'll stil lbe happy with it at the end of November! Anyways. Like I said short entry!

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Lady Phoenix said...

the character is beautiful
good luck