Friday, November 7, 2008

RUN! The plot bunnies are attacking!

So I had a fabulous time at the write-in in Burlington Wednesday night and actually got far more accomplished than I thought I would (though I am still behind...grrr). There were about 8 or so of us there and we all did the intorductions and what our novels about etc. The real fun came during the writing part. We did "word sprints"...who could be the first person to add 500 words to their writing or who could type the most in twenty minutes. Racing against other people is really motivating if you havent'tried it yet. 

Moving on to my entry title today...
So I am at the point of my novel where I've pretty much introduced or at least mentioned all of the main characters yadda, yadda, yadda. So of course now I actually ahve to start dealing with all of the plot bunnies...what are they you ask? Well imagine a story and all of the main action points or pivotal moments are each bunnies. Now, what do bunnies do? The answer to that is my problem. Each new bunny that I come to and try to coerce into my story line produces more plot bunnies. The end result is of course that I can't possibly hope to include all of these bunnies into the rather fixed size of my bunny cage (aka story) so I have to weed through them which eats up time and slows down my typing. Anyways, that's where I'm at...I'm going to try to type a bit more but I'm most likely going to bed soon to dream of murderous amounts of plot bunnies....

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