Monday, August 6, 2012

Keeping Up With the Jones'

Well it's day six of the August session of Camp NaNo and I have to say that I'm very proud of myself. I've managed to keep up with the daily word goals and even surpass them on a couple of days. This is great news since previous camp sessions have not gone so well for me for one reason or another.

I am also quite pleased with my story. My female MC is coming along nicely, though a bit of a scared-y cat, and the male MC is still mysterious and elusive. So all together good...I think. I'm totally letting the characters drive the plot here so I have no idea where I'm going with it which is part of the fun. It's also the same way I won my first NaNo two years ago. Some people need to plot and plan and I'm more a "pantser," that is to say I write by the seat of my pants. It does pose a few problems but not having to refer to notes and conflicting ideas that might come up makes writing for NaNo a lot easier for me.

Today's goals: I'm hoping that I can get today's writing and tomorrow's done as well since I have to go in for surgery tomorrow to have my gallbladder removed. I don't know what kind of state I will be in after surgery so the less writing I have to do tomorrow the better. I also would prefer not to have to play catch-up on the subsequent days. The conclusion? I will be doing a lot of word sprints today!