Monday, July 30, 2012

Camp NaNo - Part Deux

Camp NaNoWriMo for August is right around the corner. I tried and fizzled out in July so I'm hoping that August will be better. I'm currently undergoing some health issues that have me grounded at home for now with no work for at least this week and next week. I'm hoping that it will give me the time and motivation that I need to crank out some words.

On the up side I have applied to be the ML of my local region as the last one has moved away. I'd love to do it and I think that I would be a great ML. We'll see. On top of which I need to get back on writing for my articled for the Merry-Go-Round blog tour. So today as I sit on the couch nursing my head cold and aching torso from gallbladder issues, I'm hoping to figure out my NaNo objective and pound out a couple of blog posts. We'll see.