Thursday, September 8, 2011

Writing for a Blog

I've been writing for my blogs now for some time and I have to say it's by far some of the most difficult writing I've done. Writing for a daily audience is trying. My website blog is by far the most difficult. I write about my research and while being informative I also find myself having to be entertaining to keep the interest of my readers. Balancing humor with fact is like walking on a fine wire.

I write three of my own blogs including this one, each tackling a different topic. This one, my writing, and my others cover my thoughts on motherhood and family life and lastly, my business. My family life blog is by far the easiest. I can vent there and mull things out "on paper," so to speak. This blog is a tad more difficult for me as I try to put some thought behind my posts though I do sometimes give in to the need to rant a few times. Especially when I hit writer's blocks or some such thing. My last blog is on my business website and I'm trying to use it to draw people to my website which, hopefully, will get them to look at the products I'm offering. To that end I try to sound more authoritative and decisive in my posts. That's not an easy thing for me since I'm not one of those people that has a natural knack for selling ideas. In short as a self-promoter I stink. I try the best I can though and with a little sarcastic humor I get by!


Sue Santore said...

I know what you mean. I have giant lists of possible blog topics, but when the time comes to actually write one, I often spin off into something entirely different. The pre-made lists ususally don't cut it for me.