***So before anything and because I live in New England (specifically Massachusetts): GO PATS!***
Alright now that that is out of the way I can officially start this post. We've finally moved which is why I haven't been writing much...okay, at all. The good news is that I'm hoping that will change soon. I've got my desktop up and running, which is easier to type on for me (read: bad eye sight and arthritis), and I have a nice clean and quiet nook to write in. Now we'll see how long it stays that way. I'll take a picture tomorrow in the day light and add it to the site. It's quite nice.
Now for an actual writing update:
Most of my writing since NaNo has been for any of my novel ideas or works in progress...rather I have been trying to stay on top of the rather over zealous goal of writing for each of my three blogs twice a week. I realize that I can't do that and maintain my website, care for my son and a new house. So I'm paring down my posting to once a week in the hopes then that I will be able to work on actual writing projects. That being said, I failed miserably at NaNo this year.
My NaNo this year was miserable. Between the family holiday obligations and dealing with purchasing this house, the month of November was a nightmare for me. Also, mid-November I started to fall out of love with my idea and was wishing that I had chosen to complete a previous NaNo project. I think I'm going to make it one of my goals this year to put my old NaNo project into the new writing software (yWriter) and try to complete that during the year and see where I get. Beyond that I'm still working on getting myself settled in the new house and catching up to all the new housework I have to do!